Racially Visible Members Committee GTA (Terms of Reference)

Racially Visible Members Committee

of the Greater Toronto Area

Public Service Alliance of Canada

Terms of Reference



Vision Statement:

The Racially Visible Members Committee (RVMC) is a group of racially visible persons within the Public Service Alliance of Canada  (PSAC)  who have self-identified and are committed to promoting, maintaining and protecting the interests of the racially visible members of PSAC.

Mission Statement:

In fulfilling this vision, the RVMC promotes the inclusion of racially visible individuals and encourages the participation in RVMC initiatives of all members in PSAC.

 Objectives and Mandate

Aim to eliminate harassment, discrimination and racism in order to attain equal rights.

Provide leadership on issues that  pertains to racially visible members who are marginalized.

Facilitate change through education.

Identify contentious issues and barriers so that recommendations and solutions can be provided.

Provide a forum for ongoing information exchange and for critical discussion of RVMC issues.

Create partnerships within PSAC and other external community organizations.



Membership of the committee shall consist of any racially visible individual who is a member in good standing of PSAC within Ontario.

Members who are in good standing in attendance to meetings shall have a right to vote

Executive Committee 

The following elected positions will hold office for a period of 1 year:


Alternate Chair


Executive Secretary

Alternate Secretary/Treasurer


1. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by members with the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting.

2. Only members in good standing can be elected to the Executive Committee

3. An interim replacement shall be appointed by the Executive Committee when an Executive Member vacates a position before completing his or her term.

4. The Vice-chairperson shall take the role and the responsibility as Committee Chair in the absence of the Chairperson, or and at the request of the Chairperson

5. The Secretary shall be responsible for organizing meetings, maintaining committee records and correspondence in a proper filing system.

6. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for the Petty Cash and financial reporting.

7. The previous Chairperson shall be an advisory to the Executive Committee



8. The Executive will assist in the development and implementation of the RVMC plans.


Responsibilities of Officers


Mission: To guide the continuing growth and development of the RVMC

Manages operations

Strengthens partnerships with other organizations

Crystallizes the strategic vision of the RVMC

Prepares annual report on all activities of the organization

Represents the RVMC at functions in which the committee is involved

Reports to the NCR

Maintains a portfolio of yearly activities i.e. for the transfer to incoming executive members


Alternate Chair

Chairs all meetings in place of Chairperson

Develops and directs administrative, project and budget related affairs of RVMC

Maintains copies of the Constitution, Bylaws and all supporting codes

Manages activities of the RVMC

Provides assistance to Executive Council where required

Executive Secretary


Provides administrative, project and executive support

Oversees and coordinates the meeting-to-meeting activities of the RVMC

Maintains log of all RVMC activities

Performs projects or assignments in conjunction with Executive members

Minutes are provided to the Regional Executive V/P of Ontario in timely manner



Prepares and monitors the budget

Prepares and presents financial statements annually

Signing officer

Maintains portfolio of yearly activities

Maintains an overview of the RVMC affairs

Ensures financial viability

Ensures proper financial records and procedures are maintained

Financial statement to be submitted by the end of the year


Alternate Secretary/Treasurer


Fulfills the responsibilities of the Secretary or the Treasurer when they are not present.




Committee and General Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet no less than four times a year.

A required quorum to hold an Executive Committee meeting shall be held with two third members present.

A required quorum to hold a RVMC committee meeting shall be held with a minimum of (5) committee members including the Chair or an executive member standing for the Chair.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held within the first quarter of the calendar year, to table activity reports of the executive members, to hold elections of the Executive Committee positions, and review the committee’s financial statements.


 The Executive Committee in whole or part shall approve or consider all proposals for expenses.

All receipts for expenses must be forwarded to the Treasurer with explanation for payment.

 Guest Speakers

 Notice of guest speakers or of specific topics must be provided to the membership at least one week before the event occurs.

Modification of the Terms of Reference

Notice of any change to the by-laws shall be posted 30 days prior to a meeting.

Changes to any Committee Terms of Reference shall be adopted following a vote at a regular meeting.  There needs to be 50% + 1 of members present having the right to vote, be in favour of the change. 

