PSAC Alliance Facilitators Network and Resources

Would you like to offer union education in your workplace?  We have a skilled network of members who are Alliance Member Facilitators who would like nothing more than to facilitate short union education modules in your workplaces!

PSAC Alliance Facilitators Network (AFN) Policy

Our AFN Policy outlines the objectives of the Ontario Region  AFN,  How to Become an AF, Co-facilitation Opportunities, AF delivered workshops in the Region, Funding for the AFN, Communications including the Ontario Region AFN Newsletter and this website and an AFN Flyer to promote the AFN and AFN Meetings via Webinar, AF Skills Upgrades AF Resources including our AFN Portal, Roles and Responsibilities, and PSAC Policies.

Would you like to offer union education in your area delivered by an Alliance Facilitator? 

We have a skilled network of members who are Alliance Member Facilitators who would like nothing more than to facilitate short union education modules!   Please contact the Regional Education Officer Shirley A. Riva at  if you would like to invite an Alliance Facilitator to facilitate a workplace, local or regional union activity.  

Calling on all Ontario Region Alliance Facilitators: Interested in sharing your story or hot tips? Do you have an exciting idea for the AFN Newsletter?

Please submit short descriptions of your Alliance Facilitator activities to Denise Hampden, REO Ontario Region at 647-417-1524


Alliance Facilitator Toolkit Portal

Alliance Facilitator Toolkit Portal Please note you will need to login before you can visit this page.

Please contact the Ontario Region REO ( for more information.


Popular Education Links & Tools

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) –
The Catalyst Centre –
May Works –
The Art of Hosting –
Training for Change –
The Berkana Institute –
Workers Arts & Heritage Centre, Hamilton –
Highlander Research and Education Center, New Market, DC –
The Labor Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC –

Tools for Change –

Native Land –


Our AFN Program References that we use are:

  1. Community Facilitation Guide, – Weaving Threads of Inclusion, CAWI, City for All Women Initiative, Ottawa, November 2012
  2. Education for Changing Unions, Bev Burke et al, Between the Lines, Toronto, 2012
  3. Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making, Sam Kaner et al, Jossey- Bass, Third Edition, San Francisco, 2014
  4. Dancing on Live Embers: Challenging Racism in Organizations, Between the Lines, Toronto, 2006
  5. PSAC Facilitators’ Handbook, , PSAC Education Program, Ottawa, Revised March 2007
  6. Facilitation at a Glance: Your Pocket Guide to Facilitation, , Ingrid Bens, 4th Edition, Goal/QPC, Methuen, MA, 2016