International Non-Binary People’s Day is observed annually on July 14. The week starting Sunday or Monday, surrounding July 14 is Non-Binary Awareness Week.
To our non-binary members, we see you, and we want to remind you that you are valid and worthy of joy!
Reimagine Gender rounded up some of their favorite TikTok videos, collected under the title ‘The Joy of Being Non-Binary.’ Watch here at
As with any commemorative date, raising awareness through education is a way for everyone to effectively join in on the celebrations.
Non-binary is an umbrella term for gender identities that are beyond the binary of male and female. While our societies may reinforce the notion that gender exists as this strict binary, we know there is so much more to it! A non-binary person’s gender identity may sit within, outside of, across, or between the spectrum of male and female. Non-binary is sometimes shortened to NB or enby.
Start learning more by reading PSAC’s Gender Inclusive Language Toolkit at
and PFLAG’s resources at
Antonietta/ Netta Coccaro (they/them)
2SLGBTQIA+ Representative
PSAC Ontario Council