PSAC Greater Toronto Area Council (GTAC) – Annual General Membership Meeting (13APR2023, Virtual/Phone)
6:30pm -
Virtually or by Phone
Virtually @ GTAC Zoom or by Phone (1 647 374 4685 Meeting ID: 862 8698 7012, Passcode: 758810)
1. Call to Order
a. Solidarity Statement
b. Land Acknowledgement
2. Review of Agenda
3. Review of previous Meeting
GTAC AGM 9Mar2023
4. Officer Reports
a. Written Financial Report year to date
5. Standing items in brief
a. Bargaining
b. Education
c. Coalition Partner Activity
6. Old Business
a. PSAC Area Council and Committee Summit ( Organize to Win)
7. New Business
a. Political Action Plan initiatives
b. Member phone call out
8. Adjournment
a. Round Table
b. Next Meeting AGM 11May2023 In person