KTN Members with Disabilities Action Committee Meeting

January 22, 2024

6pm - 6:30pm

Virtual (Zoom)

The Members with Disabilities Action Committee (MDAC) welcomes all members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada with disabilities. MDAC is open to all members with any disability: whether physical, sensory, or involving mental illness; whether permanent, chronic, or temporary in nature.
MDAC serves as a forum where members with disabilities can engage in peer-to-peer networking, share information, and address areas of concern to members with disabilities.
The purpose of the committee is to ensure that PSAC members who are differently abled are given the opportunity to participate fully in their union and in their workplaces.

Please register in advance for this event. Upon approval of registration the link will be sent to you.

PSAC strives to ensure a barrier-free environment for all its members. Please let us know if you require accommodation for this event.