GTA Pride Virtual Event with Larry Rousseau
June 23, 2022
6pm -
You’re invited to the PSAC GTA Pride Committee’s virtual Pride event on Thursday, June 23rd from 6pm-7pm.
Our special guest is Larry Rousseau.
Larry Rousseau was first elected Executive Vice-President at the Canadian Labour Congress’ 28th Constitutional Convention, in May 2017, and was most recently re-elected to this position in June 2021.
Larry has a long history of trade union and political activism, particularly on issues like labour relations, health and safety, human rights, and equity. His involvement in the LGBTQ2SI, anti-racism and peace movements has been an integral part of his engagement and commitment to social justice.
Before serving at the CLC, Larry was the Regional Executive Vice-President of the Public Service Alliance of Canada’s National Capital Region, and the Regional Vice-President of their Union of National Employees.
Larry’s first experience in the labour movement was in the mail room of the Canadian Labour Congress, at the age of 18. Shortly thereafter, he was elected shop steward for the Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 225 (now COPE). He was subsequently hired at Statistics Canada, to which he remains committed to this day.
He has a Certificate in Civil Law from the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the École nationale d’administration publique in Quebec.
The first 30 minutes we will learn about Larry’s experiences in the labour movement and the last 30 minutes will be an open Q&A.
Please contact to RSVP and get connection details.
This event is open to all PSAC members.