Sudbury RO: Talking Union Basics (In Person – September 20-21, 2024)

09/20/2024 - 09/21/2024

9 am - 5 pm


TALKING UNION BASICS introduces members to the PSAC, and prepares them for more advanced union education. It provides an historical and structural overview of the union, introduces participants to the collective agreement, and gives them a chance for hands-on practice in problem-solving.

This course will be delivered over 2 separate days. Please read the dates and times carefully.

Session 1 – Friday , September 20, 2024 9:00AM – 5:00 PM
Session 2 – Saturday, September 21 2024 9:00AM – 5:00 PM

Upon successful completion of the course, members will be reimbursed as per approved policy. The course must be completed in its entirety before the per diem is issued.

Loss of Salary: Eligible loss of salary reimbursement will be paid to members attending the Talking Union Basics, during hours in which they were scheduled to work. Any eligible loss of salary will be reimbursed upon confirmation of full attendance and completion of the course and in accordance with the applicable PSAC policy.

Please note, the Per Diem Policy will be in effect. Upon successful completion of the course, members will be reimbursed as per approved policy. The Course must be completed in its entirety before the per diem is issued. 

The following policies are in effect at all PSAC Events:

This event is covered by the PSAC Statement on Harassment. Please familiarize yourself further with this policy at

The PSAC is committed to ensuring that the accessibility requirements of our members are respected. Please indicate your needs and provide any necessary explanation that will assist us in meeting them.

The PSAC Family Care Policy will be in effect for the event. Please note that on-site childcare will not be available. For additional details, please see the PSAC Family Care Policy.

The course will be limited to 20 participants. Approvals will be given on a “first come, first served” basis, so please register early to secure your spot.

All members in good standing are welcome to register.

For more information, please contact:

Registration deadline: Monday, September 2, 2024

Register Here

Please do not enter work email addresses.
Please do not enter work telephone numbers.


The PSAC is committed to ensuring that PSAC Education Programs are accessible to ALL members. The information requested in this section will help us assess our success in reaching members who belong to groups identified in the PSAC Human Rights Policy.


The PSAC Accommodation Policy strives to ensure that union activities are barrier-free for participants with different abilities. Upon acceptance to the School, registrants may be required to further specify their accommodation requests to facilitate their participation in the course.


The PSAC Family Care Policy will be in effect for the School. Please note that on-site childcare will not be available. For additional details, please see the PSAC Family Care Policy. National Family Care Policy:


SMOKE FREE: All PSAC events, including this event, are smoke free. All meeting rooms and guest rooms are non-smoking. There are designated smoking areas outside the facility SCENT FREE: To assist members with environmental sensitivities, all PSAC events are scent-free events.


All PSAC events are harassment free. We can neither condone nor tolerate behavior which undermines the full and equal participation of all participants in all union activities. Harassment Free Policy


Please Submit your completed application to the PSAC Sudbury Regional Office by: Monday, September 2, 2024 Contact Person: Jennifer Wagnell Administrative Assistant - Sudbury Regional Office Public Service Alliance of Canada 2-754 Falconbridge Road Sudbury, ON P3A 5X5 Phone: (705) 674-6907 OR 1-800-354-9134 e-mail:
Applicant: With this registration, I agree to attend and participate in all course sessions. I have read the PSAC policy documents on human rights and harassment, and I understand my responsibilities in accordance with them. By submitting the registration form, you are indicating your agreement.