Grievance Handling -Virtual Version: Sudbury RO
Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 - Sunday, October 24th, 2021
9:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M.
Grievance Handling (GH) (2 Days)Gives new shop stewards essential knowledge for handling Level I Grievances. Participants gain a better understanding of how to work with members at the initial stages of the grievance procedure and how to mobilize members around workplace problems. Open to: All members, and new Local Stewards are encouraged to apply.
This course will run:
Saturday-October 23rd & Sunday-October 24th
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with 1/2 hour lunch.
We will also meet 1 evening Wednesday, October 27th from 5:30 to 8:30 OR Thursday, October 28th from 5:30 to 8:30. (Both evening dates are available for member convenience) – This will be strictly for the case file module.
Prerequisite: The Talking Union Basics (TUB) or its equivalent
Registration deadline: Monday – October 18th
Please note, the new policy regarding per diem for virtual learning can be found on the Regional website. This policy will be in effect for Virtual Grievance Handling.