This handy glossary taken from our Handbook is a good reference to define key facilitation terms such as facilitate, facilitation, facilitator, popular education, learning need, learning objective, learning environment and many more.
The Art of Hosting is an approach to leadership that scales up from the personal to the systemic using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and the co-creation of innovation to addres The Art of Hosting is an approach to leadership that scales up from the personal to the systemic using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and the co-creation of innovation to address complex issues. We use The Three Circles, The Appreciative Approach, The World Café, and Open Space Technology. You will also find these in the Methods and Aids Chapter of our 2007 PSAC Facilitators’ Handbook as well. The WebLink to The Art Of Hosting is here: The Art of Hosting –
This resource describes the 8 steps in a Strategic Plan.
Alliance Facilitator Network Seminar Kit (2018)
Alliance Facilitator Network Seminars create a forum for participants to network with their peers and re-energize in a collaborative learning atmosphere to build the capacity of the Alliance Facilitator Network program including the delivery of AF workshops.
Alliance Facilitator Network Seminars create a forum for participants to network with their peers and re-energize in a collaborative learning atmosphere to build the capacity of the Alliance Facilitator Network program including the delivery of AF workshops.
This booklet contains activities and ideas to help us “seize the moment” that picket lines provide – to engage union members (and their supporters), learn something about workers and their issues, boost energy levels, and maintain the picket line as a place of solidarity, energy and fun. This collection of activities and ideas comes from many sources including PSAC picket lines, other unions’ picket lines, popular education materials, web resources, and sisters and brothers in Canada and around the world.
Every union campaign or activity includes an equity issue. Every program strategy and action should be informed by an equity analysis. Every union leader and activist should be ready with a handy set of tools for critical analysis, strategic planning, and creative action in response to racial inequality.
This guide is a leadership tool. It will help union leaders to make equity a priority issue, a union wide concern, and a test of effective leadership. A leader must take up the issue of equity in order to effectively address issues of union survival, growth and transformation. Only in this way can a leader fully carry out his or her leadership mandate, and serve the union and its members.
Advanced Human Rights Participants Kit
This course kit contains resources on Human Rights including the history and a definition, anti-oppression, a dictionary, intersectionality, Allies, power, and a useful strategic guide.
Below, are words people use when talking about equity and anti-oppression. Equity language is a tricky thing because it changes a lot, as people who experience oppression continue to evolve their analysis and language in order to resist that oppression. This new language renames their communities, social relations and circumstances, to better reflect their particular histories and realities.
Source: Advanced Human Rights Activism Course Hand-Out, PSAC 2015
This is a 600-page compilation of what PSAC has learned, gathered and developed about participatory methods brought together in one resource for facilitators. This is especially important as the PSAC Education Program continues to evolve, and we move away from standardized course notes to education kits containing a selection of learning activities. The chapter “Facilitation Skills and Tips” contains a useful resource titled Anti-oppression Integration: A Guide for Facilitators.
This useful resource document contains Anti-Oppression materials from the UDP Course. These include:
Social Identity, Diversity Wheel, Being a Strong White Ally, The House of Oppression, The Words We Say: Anti-Discriminatory Glossary, 12 Key Principles for Creating Community Change
This guide is a tool for facilitators to use when planning, designing and delivering a learning event. It provides ideas and suggestions on how to integrate anti-oppression principles and themes. It helps facilitators create space for different perspectives, anticipate learners’ reactions and effectively seize learning moments. (Source: PSAC Facilitators Handbook, March 2007)
This facilitator resource describes learning styles in the class-room:
- Diverging (feeling and watching)
- Assimilating (watching and thinking)
- Converging (doing and thinking)
- Accommodating (doing and feeling)
Each learner usually gravitates to one of these particular styles of learning.