
Full or Partial Subsidies are available to support members’ participation in courses offered by our union and social justice partners. Resources are limited, so in most cases, other sources of funding will also need to be explored.

Contact your PSAC Regional Office for more details on how to access a subsidy.

The Two Subsidy Policies (Remote and General Subsidies) are located here:

The approved Budget Allocation for PSAC Education Program Subsidies in our Ontario Region Education Plan including Top-Ups for Scholarships is $12,000 for the current education cycle.

  • OFL means Ontario Federation of Labour.
  • CLC means Canadian Labour Congress.
  • WHSC means Workers Health and Safety Centre (Ontario).
  • ODRT means Occupational Disability Response Team

(Ontario) which designs and offers Workers’ Compensation Training.

Ontario Regional Council revised the Education Subsidies Policy at their October 2009 Meeting. The Subsidies Policy provides member access to subsidy funds for other community and labour educational opportunities such as the CLC or OFL or WHSC or ODRT. The subsidy is intended to be a cost-sharing initiative with other entities such as the Local or the Component or Employer. WHSC and ODRT and the CLC provide shared accommodations at their learning events.

We also participate in Scholarship Programs with our union partners, namely WHSC and ODRT who provide specific, certified H&S Training in Ontario. The Scholarship-Subsidies budget line-item provides for a top- up subsidy for Loss of Salary (LOS) for members who are awarded a WHSC or ODRT Scholarship by PSAC Ontario Region. We jointly share the WHSC and ODRT Scholarship Programs with the PSAC National Capital Region as this is a program province-wide.

This Scholarship Program includes Certified Instructor Training for WHSC and ODRT and Graduates are eligible to be part of the AFN.

The PSAC subsidies portion tops up the $150 daily salary that the WHSC and ODRT Scholarships pay for at a minimal cost to the Education Program Budget. All other costs including accommodations, meals, travel, $ 150 daily salary, and course materials are covered by the WHSC or ODRT.

Remote Subsidy (1% of the Regional Education Budget) for North Regions

Region 1 (Northwest) serviced by Thunder Bay RO and Region 2 (Northeast) serviced by Sudbury RO receive a remote subsidy of 1% of the regional budget per the Ontario Regional Council. The approved Budget Allocation in our Education Plan for the Year 2016 is $2,820. The subsidy is intended to be a cost-sharing initiative with other entities such as the Local or Employer. Concerns have been raised that some members, particularly those in Northern Ontario, who live in remote locations have limited access to PSAC Education Courses. In response, the Ontario Regional Council established a portion of the Ontario Education budget as a remote subsidy at their October 2007 Meeting.