PSAC Online Learning
The PSAC has its own e-campus! Our e-courses are designed to provide you with a variety of union-related education. Some of the e-courses provide you with an opportunity for personal development. With our e-campus, you can learn at your own pace, in the location of your choice. To register, please visit
Here are the modules available:
• Welcome to the PSAC | • Union 101 |
• Human Rights Are Workers Rights | • Equity Groups and the PSAC |
• Pensions and Retirement | • Introduction to Union Health and Safety |
• Grievances and Representation Primer | • Understanding Economics |
• Understanding Strikes |
Webinars for Stewards
From time to time, PSAC offers topical webinars as part of our strategy of ongoing support for stewards. If you are unable to participate live, the recordings can be viewed on the National site under Shop Stewards here:
Here is a list of recordings available on the Support for Stewards page:
· Webinar: Union activity in the workplace
· Webinar: Workforce Adjustment for stewards: representing our members
Alliance Member Facilitators/ Member H&S Instructors
Would you like to offer union education in your workplace? We have a skilled network of members who are Alliance Member Facilitators and Member H&S Instructors who would like nothing more than to facilitate short union education modules in your workplaces! Please contact the Regional Education Officer Shirley A. Riva at if you would like to invite a Member Facilitator or H&S Member Instructor to facilitate a workplace or local or regional union activity.
Are you an Alliance Facilitator looking for course materials? Click here
to access your materials. Please acknowedge the PSAC Union Education Program when you use our resources and share any new materials that you may develop and send to the Regional Education Officer Shirley A. Riva, at
Want to learn more about our Alliance Facilitators Network? Click here.
The Joint Learning Program (JLP) for members at Treasury Board
The Joint Learning Program (JLP) is a partnership between the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. The pilot, which was negotiated in 2001, marked the first time a bargaining agent and the employer agreed through contract negotiations to jointly deliver learning activities to enhance labour-management relations in the public service.
The objectives of the JLP are to improve labour relations and increase the understanding of the roles of the union and management in the workplace. The JLP achieves its objectives by providing workshops in areas of mutual interest for which the employer does not already have a legal obligation to provide training and where both union and management have specific roles and responsibilities.
The program offers sessions on topics such as understanding the collective agreement, union management consultation, anti-harassment, anti- discrimination, duty to accommodate, and employment equity.
Contact the Ontario Eastern Arctic PSAC JLP Regional Field Coordinator (Union/PSAC)
Romeo Jackson at to find out how to request a workshop or to become a JLP Facilitator. Visit the JLP website for additional information about the JLP.
Union Education through the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC )
Each year thousands of union members attend Canadian Labour Congress schools, programs and seminars – including their Labour College. The College for Workers offers a four-week Intensive Program of post-secondary learning for union activists who want to enhance their leadership capacities. PSAC has a limited number of full scholarships available to our members for the LabourCollege. Visit the National PSAC site here for more information:
Union Education through District Labour Councils
PSAC members can also attend courses offered in the region through their District Labour Council. Check their respective websites for details on courses and registration. Here is a list of Labour Councils in Ontario provided by the
Members of Locals who are affiliated to these labour councils benefit from reduced course fees, however all members can apply.
H&S Training through the WHSC & ODRT
PSAC members can also attend courses offered in their communities through the Workers’ Health & Safety Cente,Ontario’s designated occupational health and safety ‘training centre’. Visit their website for their training catalogue.
PSAC Members who are interested in Workers Compensation training can also attend courses in their communities through the ODRT (Occuptational Disability Response Team)
The OFL (Ontario Federation of Labour) -ODRT provides six levels of workplace insurance and disability prevention training covering rights and obligations, benefits and representation, appeals and dispute resolution, return to work program, medical orientation and occupational disease. It also offers a variety of topical workshops and upgrading events for injured worker advocates and can customize courses for in-house delivery. It also runs a 10 day Instructor Training course.
Prepared by the Ontario REO