2023 PSAC Ontario Council, Young Worker, and Equity Committee Summit – March 24 to 26, 2023
7:30pm - 12:00pm
Hilton Toronto/Markham Suites Conference Centre and Spa (8500 Warden Avenue, Markham, ON)
We are pleased to announce the scheduling of the 2023 PSAC Ontario Area Council, Young Worker, and Equity Committees Summit and to extend this invitation to register. The Summit is being held from 7:30 pm on March 24, 2023, to noon on March 26, 2023, at the Hilton Toronto/Markham Suites Conference Centre and Spa (8500 Warden Avenue, Markham, ON).
The theme of the Summit is: ORGANIZE TO WIN!!
Why Attend the Summit?
The Summit will be an opportunity for Area Council and Committee leaders to come together and collaborate on achieving the following objectives:
* To develop intersectional organizing and mobilizing strategies to support PSAC campaigns, negotiations, and other calls to action within the labour movement and local communities;
* To develop skills to broaden the base of activists by recruiting new and less engaged members; and
* To identify areas where there are no Area Councils, Young Worker, or Equity Committees and build a plan to support the start-up of Area Councils and/or Committees in those areas.
Participant Selection
Each Area Council and Committee is entitled to name two (2) delegates to the Summit and provide their personal emails. We also require Area Councils and Committees to name at least one (1) Alternate and provide their personal email.
Summit Hours
The Summit will commence on Friday, March 24, 2023, from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm with a welcome plenary session and mobilization activity. Saturday, March 25, 2023, will be a full day and the Summit will close at approximately 12:00 pm on Sunday, March 26, 2023, to allow all participants to travel home.
Summit Logistics
Friday, March 24th
6:00 pm – 7:15 pm – Registration
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – Welcome Plenary Session and Mobilization Activity
Saturday, March 25th
8:30 am – 9:15 am – Registration
9:30 am – 5:30 pm – In Session (includes a morning and afternoon break and a lunch period)
Sunday, March 26th
9:30 am – 12:00 pm – In session (includes a morning break)
Please complete the on-line registration form here via the link or QR code below:
Questions About Registering or Access?
Please contact Kellie Loshak at the PSAC Kingston Regional Office:
E: loshakk@psac-afpc.com / T: 613-542-7322
We will follow all regional public health guidelines at the time of the Summit. Participants are asked to maintain physical distancing during all sessions.
Note: If you experience any symptoms while at the Summit, you will be required to isolate in your hotel room and contact Kellie Loshak immediately at 613-328-0226. Kellie will arrange for a Rapid Antigen Test to be delivered to your room.
All participants at the Summit will be funded according to the PSAC Travel Policy:
Participants are expected to travel by the most direct and economical means possible. Approval for travel and funding will be made on a case-by-case basis, dependent upon the participant’s location and in accordance with the PSAC Travel Policy.
Vehicles and Mileage (POMV)
Participants who choose to drive will be reimbursed according to the PSAC Travel Policyup to the most economic means of travelat the current rates at the time of the event. Travel by POMV requires prior approval. Approval will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Loss of Salary (LOS)
Loss of salary will be compensated for any hours that a participant was regularly scheduled to work during the Summit.
Participants residing within 150 kms of the Summit venue are expected to travel after work on Friday, March 24, 2023. Participants travelling from beyond 150 kms of the Summit venue will have access to LOS if required to arrive in time for the Welcome Reception at 7:30pm. Participants who require additional LOS will require prior approval.
Participants will stay at the Hilton Toronto/Markham Suites Conference Centre & Spa, 8500 Warden Avenue, Markham, ON L6G 1A5. All guest rooms will be arranged by the PSAC staff administering the event.
Note: There will be a restriction on bringing in any outside food or drink to the meeting room.
Family Care
On-Site Family Care will be provided upon request. If you require on-site care, please be sure the specify this on your registration form. Family Care costs will be reimbursed per the PSAC Family Care Policy: http://psacunion.ca/family-care-policy
Harassment, Scent and Smoke Free Environment
In accordance with PSAC policy, the 2023 PSAC Ontario Area Council, Young Worker, and Equity Committee Summitis a smoke-free, harassment-free, and scent-free environment.
Greening the Summit – Paperless
The 2023 PSAC Ontario Area Council, Young Worker, and Equity Committee Summit will be paperless. Confirmed participants will receive a link with all information for the Summit.
Registrations must be submitted by end of day on January 27, 2023.
In Solidarity,
Craig Reynolds,
Regional Executive Vice-President, Ontario
Public Service Alliance of Canada
PDF Copy of Call-Out Letter: Linked Here