Advanced Education Program
You can view our Introductory Courses here or our Steward Series here.
The Talking Union Basics (TUB) or its equivalent is a prerequisite for all Advanced programs. (Some courses offered regularly in context of the Ontario School)
Alliance Facilitators’ Training Program (AFTP) (5 Days)
The goals of the course are to promote the Alliance Facilitators’ Network and strengthen PSAC locals through workplace and local-based union education. The AFTP develops members’ skills and self-confidence to undertake union education activities within their locals, their Components, and their regions. Participants explore how to identify learning needs, set learning objectives, facilitate discussions and develop workshops and seminars. Through practical exercises, participants learn how to choose and use various techniques and aids and how to foster positive group dynamics. They also learn the principles of popular and adult education and the elements of an effective learning experience. Prerequisite: The Talking Union Basics (TUB) course or equivalent.
Advanced Representation Training for Stewards (ARTS) (4 Days)
By the end of this course you will:
- Clearly outline the role and responsibilities of Stewards in the union and the workplace and feel confident in fulfilling those duties
- Develop Stewards as problem solvers, organizers and effective communicators
- Review the legal context in which stewards operate
- Identify resources that Stewards can avail themselves of
- Explore trends and emerging issues that Stewards will likely be exposed to
- Further develop representation skills including; interviewing, note-taking, file-keeping, fact-finding, problem-solving and case analysis, and grievance representation
- Be able to manage member expectations regarding the grievance process
- Fully outline and put into practice, the steps and processes involved in filing a grievance and taking it to its final conclusion
You are encouraged to request Leave with Pay from your Employer. This course includes skills development in leadership and problem-solving.Open to: Experienced and New Local Stewards. Directly Chartered Local Stewards are encouraged to apply.
Pre-requisites include: Talking Union Basics, Grievance Handling (recommended 36 to 6 months prior to the course), *Tier 1 Steward Series, and some experience representing members with management*Tier 1 Steward Series online modules are found here: online course takes 45-60 minutes to complete. (The classroom equivalents are 1.5-3 hours in length.)
- Why Unions?
- Role of Stewards
- Building our Union
- Steward as Problem-solvers
- Grievances: An Overview
- Human Rights in the Workplace
Human Rights Activism (4 Days)
The course is designed for union members interested in developing their skills, knowledge and attitudes to become human rights activists in their union, workplace and community. Participants will be able to develop basic strategies and identify appropriate union and community resources to respond to discrimination, harassment and inequities in the workplace and in the union; develop a plan to apply the learning from the course to their work setting, union and community; network and work collaboratively with other human rights activists in the union/community and to share information and resources in your union and in your region. You will participate in specific modules on Racism, Aboriginal Awareness, Pride, and Disability Awareness. You will explore the meaning of power as it relates to issues of human rights. You will develop a model of activism for human rights work and struggles. Members who apply for this course must be supportive of PSAC Policy Statements on human rights issues including employment equity, sexual orientation, anti-racism, Aboriginal Workers, disability issues, and PSAC Anti-Harassment Policies.
Open to: Local Executive Officers, Stewards, Human Rights Activists including Community Activists, Local/Regional Human Rights/Equity Committee Members including members of Joint Equity/Human Rights Committees, Component Officers
Prerequisite: The Talking Union Basics (TUB) or its equivalent.
Political and Social Activism (P.S.A.) (4 DAYS)
We are affected by decisions of many levels of government as workers, voters and consumers. Political and Social Activism provides an opportunity for you to think seriously about the kind of government we want and the kind of society we want to build together. If you are interested in political action – working with others in the workplace or community, between elections or during election campaigns – this may be the course for you. Topics include direct action, working with the media, coalition building, the political system, defending public services, creating membership awareness, lobbying elected representatives, use of the Internet in relation to social and political action, mobilization techniques, globalization and trade.
Prerequisite: The TALKING UNION BASICS (TUB) course or equivalent.
Advanced Duty to Accommodate (DTA) (4 Days)
By the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Identify discrimination in workplace culture, practices, policies and procedures;
- Define the current meaning and context of workplace accommodation;
- Act on their legal accommodation rights;
- Explain the effect of accessing legal routes on workplace accommodation;
- Identify the elements of a good workplace accommodation policy;
- Identify workplace barriers to the full participation of persons from equality seeking groups;
- Identify measures that promote the full participation of equality seeking groups in the workplace
- Identify essential elements of return to work programs;
- Understand the links between return to work programs and the duty to accommodate;
- Begin the process of developing pro-active strategies to support inclusive workplaces for the “returning worker”.
Open to: Human Rights Activists, Members of Equity Committees, Health and Safety Activists, WSIB Advocates, Members of Return to Work Committees. You must request Leave With Pay from your Employer as Duty to Accommodate is an Employer Responsibility.
Prerequisite: The Talking Union Basics (TUB) or its equivalent.
PSAC Anti-Harassment Workplace Policy Training (4 Days)
This intensive 4-day course clarifies what is harassment and examines roles and responsibilities under union and employer policies. You will learn how to implement and apply PSAC Anti-Harassment Policy 23A: The Workplace. You will review alternate processes to resolve complaints, what to expect from an employer investigation, and the Duty of Fair Representation. You will learn how to conduct a local investigation. By the end of the course, participants should have a good working knowledge of PSAC anti-harassment policies and be able to help create harassment-free workplaces.
Open to: All Members including Local Stewards responsible for handling harassment complaints, Harassment Complaint Coordinators, Component and Alliance Officers.
Prerequisite: The Talking Union Basics (TUB) or its equivalent.
Workers Health and Safety Centre (WHSC) (4 Days)
Level I: Occupational Health and Safety Training
This course will provide participants with a basic level of occupational health and safety awareness including hazard recognition and the legal rights and responsibilities of all workplace parties. It’s also designed to build participant confidence and encourage active involvement in workplace health and safety initiatives. The Level I program consists of seven (7) core modules
- Body in the Workplace
- Workplace Toxins
- Principles Of Control
- Behavior Based Safety
- OHS Training Level 1
- We Are One Voice
- When The Body Hurts
- Workplace Violence and Harassment or Stress in the Workplace
- Indoor Air
- Critical Incident and Post Traumatic Stress
Open to: PSAC members who are either members of the Joint Health & Safety Committees or are workplace Health & Safety Representatives. The course is open to members from both the provincial and the federal labour jurisdiction.
Prerequisite: The Talking Union Basics (TUB) course is strongly recommended. Applicants must request Salary Replacement by your Employer as H&S is an Employer obligation.
Unions Work for Women (5 Days)
The goal of the course is to build a better union, better workplaces and a better society by encouraging and supporting active PSAC women in their struggle for fairness, equality and social justice. By the end of the course participants will:
- Know about the herstory and current work of the labour and social justice movements;
- Know about the fragility of the movements’ gains, especially in the current economic and political context;
- Feel part of a movement for change, for equality and for social justice;
- Feel increased confidence in their skills and knowledge;
- Be able to work strategically with other activists;
- Be able to take on a leadership role in the PSAC, in their workplaces and in their communities.
Prerequisite: The Talking Union Basics (TUB) or its equivalent.
Unionism on Turtle Island (4 Days)
This course is for PSAC members who:
- Are ready to work as an Ally in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples in their union, workplace and community;
- Have completed the TUB (Talking Union Basics) course or the NIPC (National Indigenous Peoples’ Circle) TUB course
- Would like to learn more about the issues facing Indigenous workers;
- Want to challenge barriers to diversity within the union and workplace.
Course Overview:
The Unionism on Turtle Island course will bring together up to 20 PSAC members from across the Ontario Region for an intense four days of talking, learning, laughing, questioning and supporting each other. Participants will explore the history of oppression and resistance, Indigenous issues at the bargaining table, creating a representative workforce, and opening the union to Indigenous activists. This course will provide a comfortable and supportive environment in which participants can explore their attitudes, ideas and questions. Participants will develop strategies to encourage solidarity and build the union.
You can view our Introductory Courses here or our Steward Series here.