Kingston RO: “Our Communities, Our Union, Our Rights”: An Introduction to PSAC for Indigenous Members (NIPC- Talking Union Basics; In-Person – April 5, 2025)

April 5, 2025 - 1 day

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

in-person at Kingston RO (locations TBD

The NIPC course is for members who have had little or no exposure to their union and would like to learn more about it.
During the course participants will learn:
• the role of the union in advancing Indigenous rights in the workplace, the union, and our communities,
• resources and decision-making in the PSAC,
• how to become more active in the PSAC through local, regional and national structures.
This course is open to all Indigenous members in good standing in the Kingston Regional Office service area.

Prerequisite: None

This in-person course will be delivered on 1 day: Saturday, April 5, 2025

Please note that the course is being offered in-person at Kingston RO (locations TBD based on registrations)

Registration Deadline: March 6, 2025

Upon successful completion of the course, members will be reimbursed as per approved PSAC policy. The course must be completed in its entirety before the per diem is issued.

Loss of Salary: Eligible loss of salary reimbursement will be paid to members attending the course during hours in which they were scheduled to work. Any eligible loss of salary will be reimbursed upon confirmation of full attendance and completion of the course and in accordance with the applicable PSAC policy.

The following policies are in effect at all PSAC Events:

This event is covered by the PSAC Statement on Harassment. Please familiarize yourself further with this policy at:

The PSAC is committed to ensuring that the accessibility requirements of our members are respected. Please indicate your needs and provide any necessary explanation that will assist us in meeting them.

The PSAC Family Care Policy will be in effect for the event. Please note that on-site childcare will not be available. For additional details, please see the PSAC Family Care Policy.

All members in good standing in the Kingston Regional Office service area are welcome to register.

The course will be limited for participants. Approvals will be given on a “first come, first served” basis, so please register early to secure your spot.

For more information, please contact:



The PSAC is committed to ensuring that PSAC Education Programs are accessible to ALL members. The information requested in this section will help us assess our success in reaching members who belong to groups identified in the PSAC Human Rights Policy.


The PSAC Accommodation Policy strives to ensure that union activities are barrier-free for participants with different abilities. Upon acceptance to the School, registrants may be required to further specify their accommodation requests to facilitate their participation in the course.


SCENT FREE: To assist members with environmental sensitivities, all PSAC events are scent-free events.


Please submit your completed application by: Thursday, March 6, 2025, Contact Person: Tammy Lucas, PSAC Kingston Regional Office,, (613) 542-7322
Applicant: With this registration, I agree to attend and participate in all course sessions. I have read the PSAC policy documents ( on human rights and harassment, and I understand my responsibilities in accordance with them. By submitting the registration form, you are indicating your agreement.